Ecosystems & Cooperation
Here, we would like to present you the initiatives of our alumni / close friends. These aren't all - just the beginning!
Eco-Village Moldova

The Eco-Village Moldova is a diverse group of people, striving for a more sustainable lifestyle and committed to building an organically evolving eco-community in the village of Riscova. Their vision is based on the following principles: reducing our environmental footprint, building healthy community relationships, improving the quality of life, promoting volunteerism and continuous education.
The Eco-Village is collaborating with EcoVisio on the Environmental Training Center, launched in 2016, which is gong to serve as a regional hub for practical education in the fields of organic agriculture, energy efficiency, eco-construction and community development.
Who stays behind it: Liliana Botnaru & on Facebook
Centrul de Urbanism (Center of Urbanism)
Centrul de Urbanism is a public association in Moldova, founded in 2017 by activists / specialists in the fields of urbanism, architecture, sociology, anthropology and ecology. The main goals of the Center are: 1) Promoting the principles of sustainable territorial development, as well as integrated territorial planning; 2) Development and implementation of best practices in these areas; 3) Valorisation of the architectural, cultural and natural heritage
The Center collaborates with private and public organizations, organizes workshops and trainings, researches, editorial activity and more.
Our alumni behind it: Alexandru Munteanu, Ion Ungureanu, Maria Axenti
Centrul de Urbanism on Facebook and
Grădina Moldovei
The place where seeds (…and ideas!) come to life.
This vision stays at the base of the civil society Association “Grădina Moldovei” (“Moldova’s Garden”), which set itself the goal to create a source of inspiration as well as an exchange network of farmers, gardeners and consumers that could bring our rich (but misused or abandoned) soils back to attention and life. Founded in 2015, “Grădina Moldovei” is open to everyone, offering an opportunity to benefit from the team’s experience in the field of biological gardening, gathered from many countries and encompassing a number of eco- and consumer-friendly methods, such as permaculture, crop rotation, allelopathy, green fertilizers, biodynamics, etc.
Who stays behind it: Mariana Seremet (activEco-2016 alumna) & on Facebook
Atelier 99 / FabLab Moldova

"Atelier 99" este primul Makerspace din Moldova – atelier pentru creatori, inovatori și entuziaștii în tehnologie. Atelierul este un spațiu de lucru dotat cu instrumente și echipamente, locul unde entuziaștii în tehnologie pot să-și implementeze proiectele și ideile într-o atmosferă de lucru. În același timp, este și o comunitate de entuziaști în tehnologie care lucrează la proiecte hardware cu impact social, într-un mediu comun de diferite specialităţi, ceea ce stimulează lucrul în echipe neomogene și creează o atmosferă pentru apariția inovațiilor.
Atelier 99 s-a născut în cadrul programului ”activEco - Antreprenoriat Social” în anul 2015. Suntem foarte mîndri de faptul cum s-a dezvoltat timp de cîțiva ani, și cum îi reușește să promoveze conceptele ”Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” prin ateliere de reparație a electronicii vechi și alte evenimente.
Social Enterprise "Dulce Plai"

“Dulce Plai”, launched in 2012 and bazed in the village of Todiresti, Moldova, is a social enterprise that practices and promotes beekeeping as a solution for rural development, raises awareness about the importance of bees for biodiversity conservation and sells honey and other bee products that are essential for people’s healthy nutrition and healthy lifestyle. "Dulce Plai" team works on creating a network of young beekeepers, so that they develop together, resolve common problems and enlarge the market of bee products for common benefit (consumers-producers-bees-nature-everyone), instead of competing. Besides, with support of its partners, “Dulce Plai” launches and organizes training programs for youth from rural areas. Overall, “Honey for a better world”.
Who stays behind it: Liza Mamaliga (activEco-2013 alumna), Ecaterina Tarus (activEco-2015 alumna) & on Facebook
Iarba Urbană

The “Urban Grass” (orig. “Iarba Urbană”) initiative is a former activEco 2014 project, aiming to improve public spaces of Chisinau by the forces of citizens themselves, as well as to inspire people to change their own lifestyle and life in their community for the better. For a few years in a row now, the team, supported by other alumni and volunteers with various backgrounds, “revitalize” different parts of Chisinau (2014 - "Iarba Urbană #1" at Chehov theater square, 2015 - "Iarba Urbană #2" in Valea Morilor park). The renovation process is usually concluded by an event consisting of a fair of local eco-products and other initiatives, interesting workshops, group discussions, live music and demonstration of documentaries.
"Iarba Urbană" is collaborating with EcoVisio on Kinoprojector initiative.